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Bowling Finale
2005-03-24, 9:24 a.m.

Day 214 Bowling Finale

Boy, am I bummed. Tonight is the last night of league bowling. We do our singles tournament, then head off to The Ugly Mug (local bar/restaurant) for our banquet. We�ll have some sort of dinner, a couple of beers and get our prize money. Oh � and find out how we all did in the singles tournament.

All that takes place right after work for me. Wif is headed to the Y for a workout. E is lazing around the house on his spring break. Z is due in tonight, apparently his school is shutting down for Good Friday & Easter. With the whole family home for a weekend that can mean only one thing � time to fire up the smoker. Got a pork butt in the fridge already, soaking up some lovely butt rub. We�ll smoke that thing for about 8 � 10 hours Friday and have us some lip smacking pulled pork sammiches for dinner. Whip up a batch of the Dinosaurs bbq beans and also some of their macaroni salad & corn bread and we are set. Wee bit of a diet buster, so I (we) just have to do double duty in the gym this weekend.

Speaking of which � since C kinda missed her meeting to get set up on the resistance training equipment, and since we both have tomorrow off (well, good Friday anyhow) she�s asked me to give her a quick rundown on how to at least get started on some of the machines. She even has a bunch of specific ones that she�d like to get started on. Well, I�m all for that. With any luck, we can get there during a relatively quiet time and I can help her get started. Only problem being that it�s a holiday and it might be a little tough predicting when the crowds may show up. The only thing we�re in a hurry for is to get back in time to get the butt started in the smoker.

Better have Z find out if J is working Friday night or not. I know she�d enjoy dinner Friday night and it certainly wouldn�t hurt us to try and plan it around her hours.

Lets see � blood pressure this morning � 3 readings averaged 122/74. All 3 readings had the diastolic under 80. That�s a first. One reading actually had the systolic at 117 � also a first. At the Y this morning, actually made it RUNNING for a solid 2 miles. Wasn�t running fast, but it sure wasn�t walking. Had to limit myself to that cuz I got there a wee bit late this morning so I couldn�t torture myself for the whole 40 minutes. New, lower blood pressure readings, lower heart rates doing aerobics, actually running for 2 miles � this might be construed as getting healthier. Whooda thunk it?

Got a couple of kind, encouraging notes from a couple of Diaryland denizens. Thank you to SandyZ and Zuzus, both ex-smokers coming to grips with the wonderful world of not smoking and really, really liking it. Zuzus � for that �other� issue � yes, I�ve considered what you suggested. Just need to buckle down, do a courage check and dive in. Certainly won�t be fun, but it�s starting to become necessary I fear.

Well, simulator is almost done with another run. Time to go see how things turned out this time. If D-land doesn�t get the servers back up soon, I may have to go Gold just to get these posted. Then I could post pictures too, couldn�t I? Hmmm.

214 days down. So is my blood pressure.

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