Altering Habits

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Scotty's Place





2007-05-17, 5:16 p.m.

Day 998

No, not me, at least not yet. The burn out refers to a recent event at the gym. Recent, like this morning. Pressed for time again and wanting to get in a leg workout with the weights, I decided to do a quick �sprint� on the treadmill this morning. Figured I�d just knock off two miles as fast as I could.

Quite often, I�ll set the treadmill for 8.5mph for the first � mile, then back it down to 8 for the bulk of my run. This morning, since I was doing the quick sprint thing, I left the speed setting at 8.5 As I approached the 1.5 mile mark, I noticed the belt was starting to skip. I could feel the hesitations as I was going along. It feels really funny, like your knee has an extra little motion � as long as the skips are small. Then, at about the 1.75 mile mark, the speedometer actually started showing that the belt was really slowing down, and there were no longer �hesitations� � there were very noticeable slowdowns in belt speed.

Thinking that maybe the control system was having a bad day, I cranked up the speed from 8.5 to 9. I was feeling pretty good run wise, and it WAS the last � mile. Apparently the treadmill wasn�t feeling quite as chipper. That�s when the belt really started slowing down, and KEPT slowing. Then the smell started. The smell of fried electronics. Electrical geeks like me know that smell all too well � usually the result of a part being stressed beyond its limits. As the belt crept to a halt, the display on the dash changed over to �Check velocity control system�. Excellent advice!!

I trotted my sweaty carcass over to the desk and told the coach there that I burned up a treadmill. She looked at me kinda funny, but as we walked over to the dead machine, she caught a whiff of the smoked motor. She looked at me and said �Wow, you really did burn up the treadmill!� Heeeee � new claim to fame. Ran Treadmill #8 at the Westside Y right into the ground!!

Dishwasher gets delivered today. Finally. I�ll be skipping the usual Thursday Al Anon get together to do the install. Home Desp0t was offering free installation & removal of the old unit, but I declined the install. First, they�d probably want to use all new supply plumbing. Bah humbug! When I re-did the kitchen back in what, �99?, 2000?, whenever, I set the dishwasher up to use Tigon reinforced supply hose. Screws on almost like a garden hose. Need a brass fitting on the dishwasher side that I kept from the old machine. They�d charge me for a new fitting and a new hose, when my current ones are perfectly acceptable. That�s probably the �installation kit� the sales kid tried to get included in the deal. Told them �no thanks� on the install.

I did, however, yank the old dishwasher out and leave it in the garage. I intend to take full advantage of their free disposal service, thankyouverymuch. I�m going to guess that 30 or so minutes after I get home tonight we�ll have a fully functioning dishwasher, just raring to get going on tonight�s dinner dishes.

Cindy�s antics of late are starting to get me a little riled. She�s employing prepubescent playground tactics in an effort to get under my skin. I know that�s all it is � a mechanism for her to create stress in order to create an excuse to drink. Being all stressed out. It�s such crap when she�s manufacturing the stress. At least she�s digging at me and leaving the kids out of it. The kids recognize what�s going on and cut me some slack. I make it a point to thank them for helping out around the house � even if it�s just picking up after themselves. It�s harder to get the kids to leave Cindy alone. Eric is so much like I was a year or two ago � little digs, constantly calling attention to the fact that she�s drunk and it�s no secret, always with the snide remarks. Zach�s gotten better over the last few months, Eric still needs some coaching.

I need to ramp up the meditation training. OR go for a nice long bike ride � 50 miles or so ought to do it. Saturday. I�ll get a plot of the route even and at least take mental notes & actual pictures. It�ll be fun. If it doesn�t rain.

Time to go do a dishwasher.

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