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No, Not Dead
2008-07-08, 11:56 a.m.

Day 1416

Only a quickie to verify that no, I�m not dead � yet. Had a good holiday weekend. Five day weekends can be like that. Got tons done around the house � mostly in fixing all the collateral damage caused by the kitchen re-do. Luckily, it was 99% outdoor work and the weather in these parts cooperated very nicely.

Kind of accidentally made progress on a new project. The old sliding doors in the room formerly known as the family room have been replaced by new, energy efficient windows. That door was about as energy efficient as an open window. Kinda sucks when it�s 10 degrees & blowing and the snow starts to stack up against it.

Anyhow, since I was doing a boatload of shingling on the exterior of the house, we figured why not get the door swapped out and do all that shingling now too? Made sense to us at the time, so out it came. There�s pictures. Stuck in my camera. No action photo�s, just some before, during & afters. Along with a few shots of lilies & yarrow. And a fish or two. I get carried away with pictures sometimes.

No bike riding was done the entire weekend. No time, no energy. Spending the week going up & down ladders constantly, even only 3 or 4 steps, wears on a guys body. I did put my foot down and reserved Sunday for a round of golf. Eric & I got out for 18 hoes, holes, what ever. Cute little course called Arrowhead. Sort of an �executive course�. My new favorite hole? #2 on the front. 235 yard par 4. Drove it with a 3 wood. Unfortunately, the ball came in like a missile and left a wee bit of a ball mark. Patched it up with what I could find of the debris. What sucked was I 3 putted the damn thing and had to settle for a par. But just for good measure, I did birdie a more legitimate 350 yard par 4. Drive, wedge to 20 ft then sunk an uphill double breaker. Fun course, tiny little postage stamp greens, really emphasizes the short game. Nice course to play if you want to work on your irons. Realistically, you could play the entire course with nothing more than a 5 iron. Might be a fun challenge some time.

In other news � there isn�t much. Cindy still attends AA meetings regularly and is starting to pal around with some of them. That�s all well and good, but the lack of any commitment to going completely dry is still disconcerting. I need to get over that one way or another. Either:
1) Learn to live with her semi regular mini binges and hope they don�t get worse or more frequent;
2) Urge her to commit totally to being sober (and go nuts trying), or
3) Draw a line and say if it gets back to 3 - 4 nights a week, boot her ass out. I AM NOT leaving the house I put so much of my time and effort into remodeling.

Oh � one newsworthy item. I did manage to get that Aerobed mattress back from Ms. CL without exposing any inappropriate body parts. Mostly meaning, yes, I kept my pants on & zipper up. We had a polite, civil exchange. Like adults even.

Man. I�d better cut this short. I try to sneak in little updates, but that pesky work stuff keeps getting in the way. I need to be getting jobs with longer simulations to run or something. This highly interactive stuff (de-bugging circuit boards, with deadlines no less!) is just too much of a drain on my brain.

Later peoples. Edited to add: I just got this link from Zach. It's sort of what our dinner table conversations degrade to. Lowest common denominator and all.

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